-Una and Dillon sharing the gym mat

Throughout the course of this week we have worked on sharing by asking for items we may want to use by saying please and thank you. We have also practiced using our gentle hands on each other, communicating our feelings and the different ways we can express them while also keeping ourselves and friends safe.

Songs we sang during morning meeting:

  • The wheels on the bus

  • Head Shoulders knees and toes

  • Hello How Are You?

    Good morning

  • If You’re Happy and You Know It

  • Open Shut Them

  • Where is Thumb man?

  • Five Little Ducks

  • Row Row Your Boat

  • The Itsy Bitsy SPider


Our friends enjoyed making foam dough! We mixed three cups of shaving cream and one cup of cornstarch. Children helped us dump these materials into the bowl and then explored freely.

We also took a trip to whole foods, we all voted on what treats to buy. Of course our friends voted on banana’s and cheerios!

Thank you all so much for taking your time to come and meet with us. We really appreciate the time you took off to meet with Laura and I. We really appreciated talking to all of you and sharing all the great things your child has been doing and their growth! Please email us if you have any other questions or concern