-Our friend Millie exploring tempera paint.
Songs we sang this week:
Hello How Are You
The wheels on the bus
Twinkle Twinkle little star
Good Morning
Five Little Monkeys
Open shut them
Old McDonald had a Farm
If You’re Happy..
Head Shoulders Knees and Toes
Bumble Bee
Days Of the Week
This week children explored paint in a different setting, we observed their different reactions painting in a room with dimmed lights while also listening to slow/ relaxed music. We first encouraged children to explore finger paint, we noticed that being in this setting helped children feel relaxed and take their time with their art work! Four different colors were displayed on plastic plates, red, blue, yellow and white. Some friends painted using their fingertips only. While others enjoyed scooping the finger paint, squeezing it and observing it in between their fingers. Finger paint is different from tempera paint since it has a different texture, it is gooey and heavier! When we were all done we had so many different colors on the plates such as orange, grey, olive green, and a hint of purple!
We also explored tempera paint in this same setting, we turned off all the lights and only left the rope lights on. Children were given the colors; Green, purple, white and orange . We then encouraged children to paint while also naming the colors and its texture, i.e: How does the paint feel? does it feel wet? I see that your painting has long blue lines. Sometimes we wait to see if the child has a responds or reaction since interrupting may interfere with the painting process.
Our friends began our class college, we first displayed glue for children to explore and of course a paintbrush (just in case we had friends that didn’t like the texture.) While their glue exploration we sang the song “If You’re Happy and You Know it Clap Your hands” Some children seemed very shocked when they felt their hands stick together while other children enjoyed clapping their hands and the feeling. Other friends also tapped the paper, when they observed the paper sticking to their hand they responded “Oh No” while others said “Uh-Oh.” We then gave children paper to glue onto a poster board. We will re-visit our collage since we noticed that some children confused it with paint and used the paint brush to paint onto the poster board, next time we will try cups!
Thank you all so much for joining us for our curriculum breakfast and for those yummy treats. We enjoyed your company and sharing our curriculum with you, we hope you enjoyed it as well! Next week we will begin using paint to express our feelings and emotions. Also, if you can all please email us pictures from thanksgiving that will be great! We would like to make a book to include in our library for children to have available at all times. Diane, our cooking teacher is also asking each child to bring one orange for our special cooking activity, Next week we will have cooking on Monday. Have a great weekend!