Our first full week of school!! This was really exciting since we’ve got to experience a full week with each other displaying more activities and of course, getting to know each other even more. Through out this week we worked on many activities to enhance our fine and gross motor skills. We continued our leave project by gluing the leaves we painted last week onto paper, some of our friends decided to crush the leaves and glue this on the paper, other friends decided to glue the leave itself! We also explored a big block of clay, we first displayed the clay on the table making is easy for children to poke, pinch and grasp it! This tool is great to develop their grasping skills for future writing. In the afternoon we decided to bring the big block of clay down on the floor making this accessible for children to use their body to manipulate it. Some of our friends decided to step on it in order to attempt in changing its shape.

In the course of this week we also listened and watched drums playing, after this we all made our own beets using pots, garbage cans and even our furniture! The children loved discovering and exploring the different sounds these objects made. Afterwards they also discovered that pots can be used as hats.

We also had two sensory projects! First, we explored flour using our hands and bodies, our friends definitely enjoyed and loved this exploration! The following day we made oobleck this mixture consists of cornstarch and water creating a goop that is neither solid nor liquid but rapidly transitions between the two when you introduce body heat! Finally, on Friday we had our very first cooking project. Since of course, we know there is a huge love for bananas we decided to make a banana milkshake! The children enjoyed pouring the ingredients inside our blender and of course, enjoyed the banana milkshake itself.

Next week, we will start our school wide theme which will be social emotional, to begin we will start with the question “what makes me special” we will focus on each child’s personalities, likes and dislikes also, our school wide intent will be paint!

Hope you all have a great weekend!