
Songs we sang this week:

  • Mr. Sun

  • Twinkle Twinkle Little Star

  • Baa Baa Black sheep

  • The Itsy Bitsy Spider

  • Old Macdonald

  • Days of the week

  • Today Is

  • Baby Shark

  • If You’re happy and You Know It

  • Baby Beluga

  • La Lechusa

  • Five Little Speckled frogs

  • Emotions songs

Highlights of this week:

After having Monday off due to a snowy day we decided to create our own snow! We created our own snow with shaving cream and baking soda, mixing these two materials together until we reached the consistency that best matched the snow. Playing with pretend snow is a great sensory activity for kids, they will loved touching it and figuring out what it is or how “real” snow can be inside and not melting. Some friends even brought over plates, throwing the snow and then attempting to catch it on their plate.

We have also introduced yoga while at the gym and in the classroom, yoga is a great tool for toddlers as it is for adults. It is great for children since it is non-competitive, and teaches body awareness. They learn how the breath can help them throughout the day, in any situation. They learn to focus on the pose by learning correct body alignment, and in so doing, learn to focus on their bodies and how they function.

This week our friends also revisited the frozen Popsicle paint, this time they were aware that this was paint and not an edible Popsicle. When our friends saw the materials displayed they shouted out a few words; “Popsicle, Cold, Paint.” This activity evoked language such as “Popsicle is cold” “I want Blue” “More Please” we are amazed as to how much our little friends are talking day by day!

Our friends also explored clay once again, this time there were many materials given to them such as hammers, rollers, and containers. Children were first given a ball, they were then encouraged to change the shape, texture and size of the ball using any of the given materials. Some friends noticed that if they used the side of a roller they were able to create a circle, other friends decided to poke their fingers on the ball until it was flat


  • Parent teacher conference will be Friday March 15, if you haven’t done so please sign up for any available time slot . Please note that there will be no school for the children

  • March 18th-22nd: Literacy week