
Our week has been filled with great explorations celebrating our annual “week of the young child” hosted by NAEYC. Our busy week started off with music Monday, where we went around the school in search for any interesting instruments. Some of our friends brought instruments of their own to share with the class, Cleo brought in a guiro and a gourd shaker! During morning she demonstrated how to use these instruments before passing them around. Alice also brought in a xylophone, she also demonstrated how to use this instrument before passing it around. Thank you so much for sharing your instruments Cleo and Alice!

On tasty Tuesday our friends came in to an interesting activity, observational painting. We displayed a glass jar filled with lemons and limes along with different shades of green and yellow, as children came in they were asked to take a seat and carefully observe the jar while painting it. We must say that they did an awesome job at observing every detail very carefully, way to go friends!

Later in the afternoon we conducted a taste test of limes and lemons..

Question: “How does it taste?”

Cleo: Sour (With a smile on her face.)

Antoine: Sour (Closing his eyes)

Una: aa.. Sour (Rubbing her arm on her tongue)

Millie: Sour (Closing her eyes)

Stan: Sour (Placing it back down on the plate)

Kaiya: Sour (With a sad face)

After our taste test we made a fresh lemonade for us and our infant b friends, our friends did an awesome job at squeezing the lemons, waiting for their turn and at stirring the lemonade. All of these steps required each child to use their fine motor skills, which of course they did such an awesome job!

On work together Wednesday we worked on our science fair experiment! Our friends were beyond excited to revisit the volcano’s, before mixing the baking soda with vinegar our friends worked together to turn the vinegar red just like the lava, followed by pouring the baking soda inside the volcano. Before mixing these two chemicals we asked the children'“ what do you think will happen when we mix the baking soda and vinegar?”

Antoine: Pop!

Cleo: Pop

Una: I don’t know, Pop

Millie: Pop

Stan: Pop

Thank you all so much for joining us today and of course, for all those delicious treats! We had so much fun planting our seeds, singing songs and dancing!

Reminders/upcoming events

  • There will be no school on Friday, April 19th

  • Spring Recess April 19-April 26