This week the 1A children enjoyed sensory play- painting, investigating oobleck, sand, and cloud dough!

They were delighted to discover spooky pumpkins, skeletons, spiders, and jack-o-lanterns in Washington Market Park. And let's not forget the Halloween parade!


Blake loves exploring paint! She enjoys the texture of the bright, wet paint on her fingers and will create beautiful works of art.

Messy play is the best play!

Consumed in the painting provocation, Blake stood up and took four independent steps across her classroom.

Bravo, Blake!

Spooky Findings at Washington Market Park!

Spooky but friendly findings :)

Making Purple Oobleck: Cornstarch and water!

Completely focused and relaxed, Maile touched, tapped and grasped after the mesmerizing medium.

Teacher: “Maile, how does it feel?”

Maile: *smiles/giggles out loud

Happy Halloween, Buckle My Shoe families!

Every year Buckle My Shoe has it's famous Halloween parade and each classroom chooses a costume theme. This year the 1A class got its inspiration from their favorite book, "Pete the Cat".

A few of our friends couldn’t make it to the parade and they were missed, But! no worries :)

When all of of our friends are back next week, we will dress everyone up in their Pete the cat costumes and take a stroll around the Tribeca neighborhood.

Thank you 1A Families!

Have a great Weekend!