Cognitive Development (Math):
During morning circle time the students showed interest in counting!
As we sang “The five Little Monkeys Song” with puppets, the children began counting the puppets with their teacher. Some of our friends are now counting up to two. How exciting!
Throughout the school day, we make sure to implement math organically- counting to three before we start a song, counting the number of puppies on a page in a book, or even counting the number of raspberries a friend has left at morning snack time. The children find it fun, and they are learning.
Physical Development and Social/Emotional Development:
The gym is the perfect place for students to exercise their bodies and interact with each other- improving their social skills.
Fine and Gross Motor Development:
Holding a crayon or other drawing implement helps children develop their hand-eye coordination and fine motor skills. The more children have with making marks on paper, the quicker they'll develop the ability to undertake more advanced activities like handwriting.
Home Fun: We have been singing a new song in our classroom the children really enjoy that involves counting ("How Many Fingers"). Play the fun song at home, sing along, and watch them smile. The children love music, and this song is a great way to introduce counting. If you would like to send a picture or video to us, that would be nice, but you don't have to :)
How Many Fingers Song Link:
Thank you, 1A families!
Have a lovely weekend.