This Week…

Collaborative Painting on Foil Paper!

The 1A children enjoyed painting on the shiny foil paper- smearing the colorful medium across the slippery canvas.

-Engaging in sensory provocations supports language development, cognitive growth, motor skills, problem solving skills, and social interaction.

Cognitive Development/Morning Circle Time- Counting in English and Spanish!

During morning circle time we sang our favorite songs, including “The Five Little Speckled Frogs”.

The 1A friends enjoyed counting the frogs in English and Spanish.

One, two, three, four, Five

uno, dos, tres, cuatro, cinco

Cognitive Development/Science Experiment- Elephant Toothpaste!

We dont have to teach young children how to wander, discover, and explore through play because they do it naturally.

This week we performed our science experiment- creating elephant toothpaste.

The students assisted by mixing the water and yeast.

As we combined the ingredients, the chemical reaction was very surprising and exciting for the students. With eyes and mouths opened wide, our friends kicked their legs and bounced in their chairs with anticipation.

During the experiment, we also incorporated Spanish!

soap (jabon)

spoon (cuchara)

blue (azul)

green (verde)

Thank you, 1A Families!

Have a lovely weekend.