The children are learning as they play and interact with their peers and materials. They are gradually adjusting to the routines and schedules of the classroom. This week we started our self-portraits, and it will be a monthly routine. Self-portraits are drawn once a month. We sit one-on-one with a mirror, paper, and a sharpie marker. The mirrors encourage children to look closely at the shapes of their facial features. They observe and explore their image. As they look at their features: eyes, nose, mouth, and hair, they notice that each location and shape is different. For example, the direction of their nose is different from their hair. They learn to recognize themselves.
Also, self-portraits are not only about who they see in the mirror but also about their surroundings. They may include mom, dad, siblings, and pets. As the month’s progress, self-portraits will gradually change. Children and teachers will see how they are changing and growing. Children self-awareness and self-identification are displayed as they progress in their self-portraits. Each of our faces will vary in shape and proportion because we are all unique individuals!
Children utilize a tool to draw the self-portrait. The continuous movement helps and builds fine motor skills and bilateral coordination skills as well. The tool promotes the use of the pincer grasp and naturally strengthens the small hand muscles. Providing opportunities, practice, stimulation, and encouragement to refine their fine muscles will help them when they begin to learn to write.
We also started a schedule for all the children to have an opportunity to feed the fish. Caring for a small pet, such as a fish, can provide young children with the opportunity to learn more about animals. As preschool teachers, we know that young children are engaged and learn best by doing. We can certainly teach about animals through books and pictures; however, they can learn more when they can interact with one. They can learn about caring for animals and the responsibility that goes with it.
Among the books we read and songs we sang are:
Brown Bear, Brown Bear
You Are My Sunshine!
Five Little Speckled Frogs
No, David!
Pete the Cat, I Love My White Shoes
Pete the Cat, Five Little Pumpkins
Hug Machine
Touch and Feel, Halloween book! among
Johnny works with one Hammer..
Head and Shoulder, Knees and Toes…
The Muffin Man
Five Little Speckled Frogs
Five Little Monkeys
What is red? Color Song
Twinkle Twinkle Little Star
Where is Thumbkin?
Mr. Sun
Old McDonald Had a Farm….
The Itsy Bitsy Spider (English and Spanish)
The Wheels on the Bus go Round and Round…