Young children are learning about the properties of glue and examining what happens when something sticks to their hands. The children are creating a Leaf Collage! A collage is a technique of composing a work of art by pasting on a single surface various materials.
The children applied or poured some glue on a square piece of corrugated cardboard. Then they spread the glue with a paintbrush. We allow them to explore the materials and let them apply them on the cardboard. They each investigated and responded to the activity differently.
Part of our curriculum is to provide music. Music and movement contribute to children’s overall development. Listening to and making music helps children's developing brain. Music calms their body during naptime and during a transition time. It creates a current that enables them to transcend their minds to a happy place. Each experience should be fun and meaningful for them.
Emily, our new music Specialist, filled the room with her beautiful voice, cheerful and friendly disposition. She invited children to sing-a-long her lively music as she plays her guitar.
Social/Emotional development involves learning what feelings and emotions are, understanding how and why they happen, recognizing one’s feeling and those of others. As children grow and are exposed to different situations, they manifest different emotions. It is essential to provide and develop effective ways of managing them.
We are gradually learning about our emotions. Some of the children; for example, Leo and Rohan, are demonstrating their different facial expressions!
The children are enjoying their first Karata session!
First Session of Yoga!
Cooking with Diane: “Monster Mash!”
Seasoned Mash potatoes and shredded carrots
Texture Collage
Oliver and Rohan are selecting and pasting different texture on their white square canvas. They are sharing the space as they engage in this activity.
Rubber Band Painting!
The novelty of painting with various objects allows children to explore and experiment. It is always fun and exciting to think outside the box when you are creating art. Transforming items that can be turned into painting tools enable children to explore and discover new ways to paint. The rubber band art tool, inspire children to create big and small movements and make interesting marks on their paper. The tools enable children to develop different techniques and patterns as they maneuver the unique painting tool.
A collaborative Rubber Band Painting was created and displayed on the classroom wall.
Happy Halloween!
This special day, we welcomed all families to join us for our traditional Halloween Parade. During September and October, we noticed many of the children interested in Brown Bear, Brown Bear. After bringing this observation to the attention of the children, we decided to be, different animals. As we walked in our neighborhood displaying our fabulous and creative costumes, we visited a few places and then we returned to BMS, for our Party!
Aluminum Foil Painting, using different art tools.
We created a frozen block of ice that we filled with different insects. The idea was for the children to, "excavate" the items from their frozen state. The children suggested scissors and Popsicle sticks. Those items were given to them and had them explore and experiment if it worked. We knew ahead of time that these wouldn’t work, but we wanted the children to try them out and discover that for themselves. There was no success! However, there will be a part two of this experiment.
As the children touched the ice with their hands and fingertips, James noticed that part of a worms body was not in the ice. He pulled and pulled until it was out from the block of ice. He appeared excited!