Every morning we welcome all the children as they arrive. During circle time we sing our good morning song, and as we go around, each child articulates their name. The children are learning and expressing more words as they develop their language skills. Each interaction contributes to their language development; whether they are singing songs, responding to questions or engaging in activities.

Spanish, Cooking with Diane, and Music, are our weekly specialists. The afternoon children have Karate and Yoga. Each specialists promote a learning experience that contributes to their physical and cognitive development.


Cooking with Diane

The children tasted different fruits, Orange, Grapefruit and Pineapples.






Cooper and Charles did their first self-portraits. The teacher asked, “Where your hair, eyes, mouth, and nose are?” They each pointed and recognized where their features were before they maneuvered the writing tool on their self-portrait pads.

Circle Time