Songs we sang:
Muffin Man
Mr. Sun
Jump in the Water
There are 7 day in a week….
What the Weather?
5 Little Speckled Frogs
5 Little Monkeys
Old McDonald Had a Farm
Head and Shoulders
Bubble Gum
Color Song- Incorporating color songs during transition times- Example, Nicole is wearing red today, Nicole is wearing red today, go, go, Nicole, go Wash your Hands.
Mr. Sun
You are My Sunshine
Spanish Songs
We read a variety of books everyday! Every week we create lessons plans that enable children to develop on all areas of development: Physical, Language, Cognitive, and Social and Emotional development. As teachers we want all the children to thrive in all areas.
We welcome parents, extended family, and friends to read to the children. The children enjoy the special time they share with other adults. Please, let us know when you would like to volunteer 15 or 20 minutes of your busy schedule. Thank you!!!
Cooking with Diane