We read a variety of books and sang many songs throughout the week. Toddlers enjoy holding a book, turning the pages, and looking at the pictures. Experiences interacting with books teach him/her how to handle books. They learn that there is a front and a back to the book. Young toddlers often show clear preferences and will ask to have a book read over and over again. Reading is useful for toddlers; it will help your child relate what he hears to the words and letters on the page. When reading with a toddler, the primary goals include: developing his/her interests in books and language.
Cooking with Diane
This particular dish is called, Mama bird pineapple, blueberry, and yellow feathers nest. The children enjoyed eating the different flavored jams and having a design of a bird on their bread.
The children are engaging, listening and enjoying, as coach Yo Yo teaches and encourages them to play soccer.
The specialist explores the sensory scarfs with the children. They are great sensory props to lay over the face; they see the world in a different color or blow with all their might to see the scarf fly up into the air. The children seem to enjoy when they were covered with the scarfs. They also stretch their leg and used their foot as a pretend phone.
Highlights of the Week:
Leo: “I made a square. I put a jumping board for people to jump in the water,”
Nate: “A steaming bridge.”
The children were gluing and pasting their choice of color pom poms on the Popsicle stick, creating caterpillars. They used small and big Popsicle sticks, and paint sticks. These caterpillars will be displayed in the classroom wall.
James: “My caterpillar boat!”
James and Oliver’s caterpillar.
As Cooper interacted with the Magna-tiles, he arranged the big and small squares on different areas of the light table. Amazing!! He described his structure, "A octopus!"
Circle Time
The teacher noticed Leo aligning the ducks and invited him to count. He gradually counted one by one pointing to each duck. Before learning to count children need to understand one to one correspondence, which means a child who touches each object in a row and says the number name aloud for each object touched, "One, two, three, four....." is demonstrating the ability to count with one-to-one correspondence. We practice this early math concept with all sorts of different objects; particularly in our counting sessions during circle time.
Sensory Day!
They are exploring sand, flour, and cornstarch in water. As the children investigated, they are also learning about texture and color.
Nathaniel: “A choo choo train!”
Nathaniel: “I made towers!”
The children peeled the adhesive tape and placed the shape on the contact paper. It's an excellent activity for fine motor skills and color recognition.
Our Neighborhood Stroll
There was a change, and the children noticed it immediately. They articulated that it had leaves, green leaves. As we continued walking and observing our environment, the children appeared excited to see construction workers and an excavator! We briefly stopped for the children to observe the men working together to make our street save.
As we pass the balloons store, we articulated the different colors and counted each balloon.
Annie, Charles mom, took the caterpillars in their Chrysalis stage, home. Charles will be taking care of them over the break.