Oliver observed and explored the half unit (squares) and triangle blocks. He created an alignment of squares, and on two specific areas of his structure, he adds two squares next to each other. I wonder why he decided to create that pattern at the center of his composition. Children are always forming and testing their ideas. They learn based on how they choose and explore the materials in the environment. Oliver is acquiring knowledge and self-confidence as he continuously engages with different blocks.
Teacher: “Oliver what are you building?”
Oliver: “A city!” (Oliver is pushing the blocks as he connects them and makes the sound beep, beep)
Oliver: “It getting longer. It is longer, the city.”
Teacher: “Who lives in the city?”
Oliver: “You live in New York City.”
As he tentatively placed the last block, the triangle shape, and moved his hands away, he appeared pleased about his arrangement.
Oliver: “A New York City!”
Leo Shaftel: “This is a building and I’m going to make a train for Leo!”
Leo Shaftel: “I making a train for him.”
Rohan: “Look what I made!”
Teacher: “Rohan, what you made with the play dough?”
Rohan: “A box!”
Teacher: “Who is inside the box?”
Rohan: “A bear. He sleeping.”
Painting with Cars
As the children engaged, they used their arm muscles to drive cars through the paint. They pushed the cars through one color and then rolled them on the paper. The children discovered that if they drove the cars in the opposite direction, the paint would get mixed. They appeared excited as they interacted with the materials.
The children used their hands and rollers to spread the paint without getting paint on their hands.
Some of the children said it looks like a spider and a butterfly.
Blue, white, glue, and shredded paper was used for this art activity.
One of the children called this art piece, a pick-up truck.
Cooking with Diane
Today was Cooking with Diane last day. The children had strawberries, bananas, and ice cream.
A neighborhood stroll!
The children had a lot of fun in the upstairs gym.
Field Day!
The children had a wonderful and fun day!
Washington Market Park
Rohan needed help with his shoes; therefore, Alexandra and Leela took the initiative to help him. They pulled, pushed, and pulled again.
But they did not succeed. The children tried and independently decided to help Rohan