As we all experience our second week of school, the children are gradually adapting to the routines and schedule and also to new peers and teachers. All children have a different pace and as teachers it is crucial to respect each individual.

Music encourages children's inclination to move, developing their fine motor skills and gross motor skills.  Jumping up and down helps with their muscle development, strength, and balance.  Exposing children to music during early development helps them learn the sounds and meanings of words. We use musical instruments, books and finger puppets to sing a variety of songs, including Spanish songs.  One of their favorites songs is Five Little Monkeys.  Books are always a winner in the 1B classroom!!! The children enjoy listening and observing the illustration of each book.

We are looking forward to another fun and interactive school week!

Highlight of the Week:


Bubble Wrap Painting

Painting with Different Tools


Blocks and Manipulative Toys

We took a stroll to the park and neighborhood.

We asked the children what color they would like to explore today? Annabelle said, “Orange!” Listening and respecting their words is an essential aspect of our class community.