We implement different activities or reinforce an activity that has been introduced, to provide young children with a safe and stimulating environment. Trying lots of various learning tools, allows children to grow and develop in different areas.
Sensory scarfs-learning about colors and language (articulating them in English and Spanish), or asking them to find a shape-teaches them about Math. I asked the children to find a square shape. Wallace appeared excited as he discovered and shared his book, which was a square shape, and Teagan immediately found a square box.
Paper Towel Art is an excellent and simple way to add color and texture to a painting. Teagan crumbled the paper and gently dabbed different colors. After allowing it to dry, she created a beautiful art piece.
Language/Color/Creativity/Eye-hand coordination
Making Paint with a few home ingredients can be exciting and interesting. All you need is water, flour, salt, and food coloring. How amazing is that? It seems that Teagan had a lot of fun making and exploring the Paint. I like how she experimented with different colors and explored her mixture of colors on her body and the bathtub.
Exploring, Baking Soda Art and observing the reaction of baking and vinegar.
Happy Birthday to Wallace!!