This week we continued our exploration into dramatic play
"Hello? Hahahaha!"
Continued musical explorations with 2A friends. The xylophone is always a favorite!
Emilio with one lone xylophone block....
So he joyfully offered Morgan a mallet so she could play along with him!
This week we listened to Prokofiev's "Carnival of Animals" and explored the music through movement by pretending to be different animals in the piece!
We painted our Halloween costumes!
2A painting Nina's birthday present!
Having silly moments with Coach JoJo in soccer!
The children have taken a keen interest in working alongside one another at the easel. The easel is a great tool in fostering language development - while standing side by side it gives them an opportunity to begin conversations with one another. Here are some quotes!
This week we baked cream cheese chocolate chip cookies! It may be why we've been hearing a lot of cookie talk in the dramatic play area...
We continued our exploration of clay with water and allowed only allowed the children to use forks with the materials. This really lets them strengthen their fine motor skills.
We've noticed the children have taken an interest in transportation - so we took at walk to Pier 25 this week to look at the boats and compare and contrast different modes of transportation
Making connections and dancing with one another during free play in the gym.
Reading with friends