Painting spooky ghosts for Halloween!
The children have been super interested in bubbles lately, so for science this week we explored bubbles via a science experiment with shaving cream, banking soda, vinegar, and shaving cream.
"Again, Mitzi, again!"
Exploring our scientific concoction in the sensory table
Dylan exploring concepts such "over" and "under" in soccer.
Running for the goal! What fervor in your step, Nicholas!
Color exploration with a paint dance party. We let each child pick the color they wanted, and encouraged to verbally request the color before we gave it to them to encourage language and color recognition. Our favorites were purple, yellow, and green!
Exploring our identity and self portraits. Self portraits are wonderful tools for pre-literacy skills. The children are gaining fine motor control and we are tracking their shift from drawing dots on a page, to lines, to more circular movements, to finally more distinguishable stories on the page. Self portraits also allow for child to begin describing key components of their physical identity (being able to first and foremost verbally describe something is a pre-cursor to literacy development). And finally, self portraits allow our kids to begin studying their person.
This week we stationed two potties in our dramatic play area for our students to engage, interact, and explore with. The children were beyond thrilled to have these new objects in the classroom and wanted to immerse themselves in these centers as much as possible. We continuously found children imitating a adults toileting behavior (a sign of potty training readiness). There was a lot of exhilaration and joy around the potty!
"Cake?" - Nina
"Yeah, cake!" - Parker
Making connections and exploring dramatic play with our friends.
"You want soup?" - Jackson