This week in 2B we worked quite a bit on winter and winter holiday related activities. After working on our December portraits on Monday, we continued to explore the winter season in the classroom. Some of the explorations were directly relatable, while some were more abstract connections. In cooking with Diane, the children engaged in a literal holiday tradition of putting cloves into oranges. The children worked carefully to insert the cloves into their oranges.

 The children also began working on their paper plate ornaments. Each child had the opportunity to glue cellophane onto their paper plate. Next week, we will attach their photos to their ornaments and put a protective layer over them. The children are excited to finish their ornaments to bring home. Additionally, the students in 2B eagerly completed their task for the Buckle My Shoe front window display: making snowflakes. After practicing their cutting skills, the children were able to take the folded-up triangles and turn them into snowflakes.

In the middle of the week, we moved forward to more indirect winter and holiday related activities. As a class we made snow dough out of shaving cream, cornstarch, and glitter. Although the ratios of each material were a bit off, the children had fun playing with this new material. They mushed it around in their hands, felt the texture on their arms, and swirled it around. Another more abstract activity done this week surrounding winter holidays was investigating light and shadow in celebration of Hanukkah. Hanukkah is known as the festival of lights, so in the class, we have begun to examine light as a way to form a connection.

 Lastly, we had two more winter literature activities. Today, Edie’s mom came into the classroom for shared snack and read two stories. First, she read the book Snow by Uri Shulevitz, and then she read Pete the Cat Saves Christmas. The children listened attentively as she read these new winter stories. Later, we read a book all about Hanukkah, learning about the various traditions surrounding the holiday. Afterwards, each child had the chance to try out spinning a dreidel. We look forward to continuing to exploring the winter and holiday season within the classroom over the next few weeks.