This week, we have allowed for a freer exploration of the classroom environment. Although every day has always included opportunities for the students to play with items of their choosing, we decided that this week, we would let the students have more time for free play. Young children learn best through play, as it allows them to learn problem solving skills, and to expand their imagination. After gym, we typically complete a group activity whether it’s art related, science, or literacy. This week, with a couple of brief exceptions, we used this time for free exploration and play in the classroom.
Not only do children learn best through play, but by allowing the children to play on their own, we are able to observe their interests and themes in play so that we can move our curriculum in a new direction. Although we allowed for free play, at times we closed off parts of the classroom, to see if that pushed or inspired their play in any direction. When just the block center and small manipulatives were available, the children worked collaboratively to build different kinds of structures. Although some children opted to build alone, most chose to work together with their friends. Other days, we closed off the block area, and encouraged the children to play with the kitchen and with the toys in the alcove. Again, the children more often than not, chose to play and work together.
Throughout this week, we observed a few different themes emerge within the classroom. Many children were very eager to cook in our kitchen and serve pretend meals to their friends and the babies or bears. Additionally, the children returned to an old classroom favorite, fire fighter play. This time, the play was more elaborate and included dialogue about going to a place to put out a fire. Lastly, we noticed that the children have become increasingly more interested in baby play. Friends will take a baby on as their own, care for them, and take them around for the day. While we’ve observed this play, we will continue to observe and document what the students are interested in over the next couple of weeks so that we can determine the next steps and direction for our curriculum.