This week we continued to observe nature in our classroom. At the end of last week, we had the opportunity to do planting in the classroom both to take home and keep at school. Early on in the week, we used the leftover soil from planting to explore on the floor. The children were excited to play in the dirt, using shovels and other plastic tools to engage with the material. Also early on the children had the chance to explore actual nature, when we took a walk outside all together.

 We also took this week to continue to observe our caterpillars in their metamorphosis process. The friends were eager to see that early this week that the caterpillars had gone into their chrysalides. The children made predictions that they were sleeping to become butterflies. Today, the children were happy to discover that the grass that they planted on Friday had finally started to sprout! We look forward to seeing the progress in nature upon our return from spring break.