
We practiced color sorting with a graphing activity! We asked the children to identify the colors and the corresponding number of caps. After, we talked about which color had the “most” and which color had the “least.” This activity gave children the opportunity to practice counting, color recognition, one to one correspondence, and language development.


We introduced a feelings chart at morning meeting. This gives children the opportunity to express and share their emotions with their peers and teachers. Learning to express their feelings such is an important concept for children. It can help them increase their emotional intelligence, practice empathy, build self-awareness, and manage interpersonal relationships.


We engaged in a color mixing activity with water and food coloring. We combined different colors to make orange, green, and purple. The children practiced making predictions and observations, which is an important scientific and social emotional skill. As we continue these color mixing activities, the children will become more familiar with identifying the colors we create.


We practiced a sink or float experiment, which is an amazing science and sensory experience. The children took turns making predictions about various items, then testing out the item to see if it sank or float. We learned that for the most part, light items float and heavy items sink. However, when we filled a cup with water, it sank! This activity gives children the opportunity to practice language development, make predictions and observations, and learn about cause and effect.

Parent’s Day

We had so much fun celebrating Parent’s Day with parfaits, a picnic, and a read aloud. We hope you enjoyed this special morning!

Materials for next week:

-egg carton



-coffee filters, cotton pads, or paper towels


-food coloring

-vegetable oil

-materials to make a puppet (sock, paper bag, loose parts, etc.)

-loose parts (leaves, branches, buttons, pom poms, etc.)

-dish soap


Have a great weekend!