Wow, what a fun week!
This week we drew our first self portraits, took our first ride outside in the strollers, created two paintings to auction off for our Hurricane Relief Fundraiser, enjoyed the Pre-K Bake Sale for the fundraiser, and had fun with some fellow schoolmates and families at the Back to School Picnic. Even today, we had a bunny visit our classroom and a baby visit our classroom!
Taking a deeper look, we are still practicing transitions and separation, learning each other's names, and taking turns. Our parents are spending less and less time with us and we are spending more time playing alone and with our teachers and each other. Clapping and singing songs while lining up has been helpful in getting us organized from the classroom to the gym. We put our photos in our slots on the attendance poster to learn names and faces during morning meeting. This week, Oliver said, "He is my friend!" "Who is your friend, Oliver?" "Devin!," he said with a big smile. "Devin are you friends with Oliver?" He nodded his head with a quiet "yes" and a big smile, too. As a team, we are cleaning up together, building blocks and putting together puzzles, and helping our teachers with tasks. Devi likes to help clean up, especially washing the tables. Cole was a team player when he helped Debbie pass out the cookies and lemonade at the Bake Sale yesterday. Today, Lauren, Sloane, Alisha, and Jude took turns trying on and playing in the pink and green skirt. Romeo shared a car with Alfie when Alfie was feeling sad, and George and Grady played together in the water table. Everyone has loved saying the phrases, "No," "No way, Jose!," "See you later," and "I want .... " along with naming colors, counting, and singing "5 Speckled Frogs" and "Two Little Blackbirds." The next weeks will get easier and easier as we continue to find a groove and become more comfortable at school and with each other.