In celebrating the Week of the Young Child, we selected the children's favorite activities that pertained to the theme of each day: Music Monday, Tasty Tuesday, Work Together Wednesday, Artsy Thursday, and Special Persons Day (Family Friday). 

On Music Monday, the children painted their own art pieces by listening to and following slow, medium-tempo, and fast classical music. On Tasty Tuesday, we made and baked banana bread together. On Work Together Wednesday, we exchanged our banana breads with 2A friends and received yummy lemonade in return. On Artsy Thursday, we started to decorate our aprons (soon to be finished!). 

Today was Special Persons Day, and we invited our very special person in for each child. The children loved having their mommies, daddies, grandmas, sisters, or godmother as their special person! Growing a plant resembles watching young children developing. Both need lots of love and care in order for them to grow healthy and happy. As a symbolic activity, we planted seeds with our special person. We hope they grow as well as our children are growing into kind and loving individuals. Then we presented our very special gifts (a poem and our handprint) to our special person. Lastly, we shared yummy breakfast altogether!

We want to give a shout out to our amazing children who continue to surprise us as they grow into bright individuals as well as to those special people who are so meaningful to our children's lives every day.