We started our short week by welcoming Barak to our classroom. It was so good to see Barak! His old friends from 2A welcomed him, and Barak got to meet with his new friends and teachers in 3A! We can't wait to spend a great year with him and the rest of our 3A friends!
This week was especially great because all of our fun specialists started their classes. On Wednesday, Diane, our cooking teacher, brought three different types of apples and honey. We tasted each of them and chose our favorites! We also learned that there are seeds (or pits) inside the core of apples.
On Thursday, we had soccer class with Coach C. We dribbled squish soccer balls to flat cones. It helped us to have control over the soccer ball!
On Friday, Mr. Andrew, our music teacher, sang songs while the 3A friends hopped like frogs, waddled like penguins, and slithered like snakes. He also sang a story called An Octopus Followed Me Home!
This year we are going to be following a big project unique to each classroom. The 3A class is still exploring many things from paint, science experiments, washing animals, cutting with scissors, to building blocks and so many more. As the educators continue to speculate, they seem to be super curious to see the outcome of their actions. The children think or say "what if?" or "what happens if?" as they mix different colors of paint. Sometimes they get so excited to see the outcome that they finish the action before asking themselves the question! As we launch into the project, we welcome any ideas for the project or anything that is being noticed at home that is project-related.