Self-portraits are drawn once a month. We sit one-on-one with a mirror, paper, and a Sharpie marker. The mirror allows the children to look, explore, identify, and analyze their image. The self-portraits do not always just represent the children at that moment; there are times when they relive a moment in their drawing, such as playing at the park.
In addition to gaining self-awareness, as the year goes on, children display a progression in self-identification and fine motor skills. Features that may not have been depicted in the beginning of the year show up later on as they grow and develop.
Sensory Play
The 3A children’s love of sensory play continued in the month of December too. So far we have explored rainbow rice and beans, cloud dough and glitter, water beads, soapy water, and others. This time we made snow together by adding water to snow powder! Sensory play not only enhances the children’s senses and their body responses through those senses, but it also pushes our children to experiment on their own, or with one another, to understand cause and effect!
BMS Holiday Party
The Holiday Party was wonderful! Although the snow squall scared us all a little bit, it did not stop us from having so much fun with our friends and families! The 3A children, as well as the teachers, are so grateful for all the generosity that the families have shown! We enjoyed so much delicious food, drinks, desserts, and of course special time with Santa and Mrs. Claus. Erika and I feel especially fortunate to have met all of the 3A children and their families this year. We thank you once again for your support and trust! We will continue to make more and more fun memories with the children!!
We wish you a very merry and happy holidays!
Hanukkah Celebration
3A also had a Hanukkah celebration with Leo and Alexandra’s families! Leo’s g-ma(grandma) and Leo’s mommy read us a story about Hanukkah and why there are 8 white candles and 1 blue candle on the Menorah! We also learned how to play with a dreidel! Then we ate latkes with applesauce; which is a special food that is eaten during Hanukkah!