Science: Spring Scale
As we continue to investigate the weight of different objects, Neer, who is a scientist and a professor in physics (Alexandra’s dad), gave us spring scales to do an experiment. We had two objects; an aluminum tray, and our class camera. Then we took a guess at which object would be heavier. We first guessed that the aluminum tray would be heavier than the camera because it was bigger, but in reality it was the camera that was heavier! The spring scale that had the camera stretched more than the scale that had the aluminum tray!
Mathematics: Counting
We decided to count how many buttons were in our cup. Before counting, we brainstormed different strategies to count accurately. The children put the buttons up in one line and used a pointer finger to count out loud from left to right. When our 3A friends tried counting using these strategies, it helped our one to one counting skill!
Social Emotional Development: Work Together Wednesday
Everyone partnered up and worked together to build their own custom designed rocket-ship. Barak, Elle, and Luca teamed up and built a rocket with blocks. Francesca and Sloane partnered up to make their own style of rocket with Legos, while Leo and Manu decided to build two separate ones with Legos. Maya and Henry built a pointy spaceship with Magnatiles, and Alex and James built a spaceship with blocks that was taller than them! At the end we made a gallery and walked around our cool spaceship structures!