Science: Our Senses

On Monday during the morning meeting, we learned about our senses: smell, touch, and taste. There were two mystery foods, and our 3A friends identified their characteristics by smelling, touching, and tasting them! When they smelled the first mystery food (banana), some of our friends said, "it smells sweet" and "good!" When they touched the second food (cracker), some said, "It's smooth", and "It's rough". For tasting, we had a few friends who were willing to try and taste the food, and they were able to identify what the mystery foods were! 

Signs for Spring

The 3A friends went to the Washington Market Park to search for signs of Spring! Although it was really windy, we found some artifacts that represent Spring. We noticed some green plants were sprouting from the dirt(ground). We also found many of the branches on the trees had started to have reddish/pink sprouts. Leo also noticed and said, "The trees were moving round and round" because of the strong wind! Welcome spring!