Caterpillars, Elephant, & Penguins

This week we introduced our caterpillars to the children. Each day we observed how the caterpillars were growing. We can’t wait to see them become butterflies soon!

We also talked about how many of our friends liked and didn’t like elephants and counted the number of people in each group. The children made their own kind of elephants by using manipulatives!

On Thursday, we read a book about penguins and shared “If I were a penguin, I would…”

Alex said, “I would waddle like a penguin and play with my friends.”

Sloane said, “I would protect my baby penguins from sharks.”

Leo said, “I would ride a roller coaster in an ice cream shop.”

Elle said, “I would build a house and live in it.”

Barak said, “I would do something else.”

Francesca moved around like a penguin.

Afternoon Activities

Afternoon activities were filled with fun activities! We made volcanoes using hydrogen peroxide, yeast, and baking soda. We also made caterpillar and butterfly Origami. On Wednesday, we made an ant farm by using beans and counted the number of ants! And on Thursday and Friday, we made cookies and paintings for our family!

Parents Day

Parents day was filled with joy and (happy) tears! Although we could not celebrate Parents Day in person, all of our parents joined us via video call! We had a slide show of our children’s messages, which they had shared earlier in the week. The messages were about one thing they loved about their parents. Then we read “The Mommy Book” and “The Daddy Book” by Todd Parr. Our mommies and daddies took the time to also share one thing they loved about their child. They were truly heart felt messages to our children! We ended the celebration by dancing with the feeling in our bones altogether! Thank you for being our parents! We love you!