The sensory table was very busy this week. The children explored water beads in water. They were curious to find out what would happen if they popped/broke the beads into pieces. They ended up discovering that the beads that were kept intact, got bigger in size. .
Alexander explores the power of his breath by blowing through one of the straws
Our cooking study continues to gain strength! This week we added a jar of pasta and it has caused the kitchen area to be one of the busiest areas of the classroom. A busy area means more conflicts and problem solving. William and Dylan worked together, with some guidance, to come up with a solution to their problem. Dylan wanted to be the chef, but Will wanted to cook for his bear. In the end, Dylan baked the pasta and William fed it to the bear.
We took a break from cooking a family meal this week to finish up family portraits, however, we will start back up next week!
If you have any empty food cans, boxes, or containers, please bring them in to add to our kitchen area. We can also take any dried foods, like beans, spices, etc. as we have some jars to fill.
Dressing up has become an interest this week. We recently were given two dresses from the Pre-K class and some children have been using them to act as dancers, others to act as princesses.
If you have any dress up items at home (old scarves, bags, shoes, etc.), please bring them in to add to our collection!
Our calm/quiet corner continues to be helpful to the children. We added some new jars to the area. Next week we are adding some fabric to create an even cozier space. We're also look to get a bean bag for the space. The way that it envelops the body is a great way for the children to feel grounded and calm.
The block area has been busy too! Charlie and Aayush created train tracks using unit blocks, and Elle made a bed for the babies.
Ideas are contagious!
A huge thank you to you all for coming to the Curriculum Breakfast on Friday. The children loved showing you their family portraits, and sharing with you what they love about you, and what they like to do with you. Most of all, they just loved having you there!
Please send us pictures of your completed hearts as well as any pictures you may have of other family members adding their fingerprints, or pawprints.