This week the 3B class engaged in action-oriented activities hoping to make a difference in our small community. We also discussed with children the importance of recycling, reducing and reusing. The more we recycle, the more waste we keep out of landfills helping to keep the earth healthy. The more we recycle, the more things to re-purpose at the Creation Station.
The best part is that we don’t just “reduce, recycle, and reuse” but most of all we “re-purpose.” We think that this is a simple way not only to support children’s creativity but most importantly to show them that we can reuse things for a different purpose. One of the ways to show the children that we can re-purpose an object is to transpire it into a form of art. We are hoping that by converting one thing into another sends a message that it is not only a fun way to explore a new art medium, but most importantly we help 3B team grow into environmental advocates.
As a way of helping the children to “grasp” the idea of re-purposing items is to encourage children to share their creations with the group.
Our focus of the year: Social Emotional Curriculum
1) Self Management/ Self expression/Knowing self
2) Relationships/Friendships
3) Diversity/ You are special
School Wide Area of Research: Paint
Paint is amazing open-ended medium!
Here are some examples of research questions:
How do children respond to painting with their whole bodies versus painting with a brush at a table?
As a child gains control over their fine motor capabilities, how does it affect the story/verbalization of the painting?
When a child engages in a painting project, does his/her emotional disposition change? I.e. does a child having a difficult morning suddenly relaxes once painting is introduced?
How does painting help children connect with their peers?
What can we infer from the gestures and body language of pre-verbal or limited verbal children as they paint?
What role does storytelling and imagination play in painting? Does a child use more real life experience or pretend play while painting?
Does the type of music playing impact the brush strokes a child makes?