Once again we just want to welcome back everyone! We are happy to see the children (and you) and we are looking forward to a great new semester full of laughter and great new experiences.
We began our week by giving our best while trying to sign in independently (without dots). The children were given an opportunity to sign in with dots or without them. Some of the 3B friends were ready to sign in independently, some were not and that’s okay. It is more important for the children to grow confidence in one task before moving on to the next one. Also, observing and exposing them to the new possibilities will slowly spark their interest in trying new tasks.
As we continue exposing 3B friends to the new experiences, we are now ready to being our classroom composting site. We will explore and learn how to take care of it together. We are scheduled to pick up our compost hotel on January 19th! We are excited and ready to take on this new journey all together.