Congratulations on a great first week of school!

What a great first week! Everyone has been readily smiling and laughing and exploring all week. Drop off has been very smooth and we are so excited to see how well 3B is taking to the classroom, and the school overall, to start off this brand-new schoolyear. It’s as though we are already a month into the new year. It is so nice to watch the children come in and find stations to enjoy right away. We are seeing many new friendships with strong bonds forming already, as well as many friendships that are very strong from previous schoolyears at Buckle My Shoe together. This is going to be a great year!

We know that sharing is somewhat of a concern for some as we begin our time in 3B, however, we are proud to inform you that we are already seeing sharing and turn taking happen more readily than even a couple days ago. We are also hearing “please” much more than even at the beginning of the week too. The 3B classroom is so polite!

There are so many young artists in our classroom who have a passion for painting and will often paint two, or even three, paintings in the morning. Also, the markers and crayons have been very busy as the 3B friends mix and match the colors in a flurry of scribbles, while the scissors have been getting a lot of use from the children also. We will be participating in many types of art projects throughout the year and are very excited to see all of the creations to be made.

3B loves to look read books! We’ll often read stories during morning meeting and sometimes at snack. Every day we read books at lunch, and even still the class will ask if we can read more books. Oftentimes, when the children are free to choose their own activities, groups of friends will sit down and share in reading a book together. Sometimes these readings happen with just one or two friends, and sometimes it’s a group of five or six. We hope that books will be a very popular choice all year long in 3B! It looks like they will be. Families, please remember that you are always welcome to come into the classroom and read stories to us. These can be impromptu readings the morning for whomever wants to listen, or on a day that we schedule a special reading in advance for the whole class. As teachers, we really love it when special grownups come visit the classroom.  The children, they love it so much when you come in. Your visits are very special to them and, also, when you show them how much you love spending time in school, it helps to further enhance their own love for school. So, please, feel free to stay long or set up a visit anytime!