This week we have used recipes to make some very different types of things. We want the children to know that recipes are for more than cooking, even though cooking is wonderful. Our recipe explorations have led us to making play dough, bubbles for our bubble science experiments, and finally to dessert tacos to end the week. While the terms ‘recipes’ may typically lead us to think of food, this week we engaged with recipes and ingredients that made a wide variety of fun things.
Early in the week, 3B wanted to make play dough, so we got out the flour, oil, water, and more and made some wonderful that is a wonderful shade of green. The children get to see firsthand how these simple, separate ingredients can come together to make a recipe they truly enjoy using and exploring. The play dough we made has kept, and will continue to keep, us entertained for many uses. It’s easy to go out and buy play dough, which is fun, however, when they take part in making it, the children are rewarded with the pride and fun of helping to have made something from just a few simple ingredients.
Using water, corn syrup, and soap, 3B made bubbles this week for the bubble experiments we have been conducting in the classroom. This is our second time making these, as our first batch went bad after a few days. Hopefully these last as long as the play dough and we can have some seriously fun science fun with them!
For our final recipe of the week, 3B made some delicious dessert tacos. These were actually more like breakfast tacos as we used pancakes for the “shells” and filled them with vanilla yogurt, and fresh strawberries, blueberries, and raspberries. The group happily gobbled them up after we blended all of the ingredients for the pancakes and Debbie made the on the electric griddle. These were so good. Most of the 3B friends were even asking for seconds and thirds!