Thank you for a great week, 3B! To begin, we want to say thank you again for all the heartwarming artworks, videos, and kind words at the start this week. It made us feel so good, warm, and fuzzy, so thank you, once again, very very much. We appreciate all of you too, all the members, of all ages, who make up our wonderful 3B family.

Another great activity that we had so much participating in this week was the letter hunt. It was great to share in the excitement so many of you had while we hunted for the letters as they passed by on the screen. Your letter recognition is growing and growing, friends. We couldn’t even trick you once! Give yourselves a big pat on the back for how much each and every one of you are growing and learning every day. You should all be very proud!

In the afternoons, two projects that we were especially engaged in were collages of our families and a new type of self-portrait. We loved using photographs or repurposed scraps of paper to create collages of our families. Some were silly and some were done with meticulous attention to realistic detail. Each of the projects turned out great.

For the self-portraits, we simply took printed pictures of ourselves, folded them in half, adhered them to a piece of paper and proceeded to draw the half that was folded under. Everyone displayed wonderful focus and determination as the portraits came to life in all of their color and detail. The afternoons have been so full of great art projects. If you have yet to join us, please do.

Have a great weekend 3B families!

Afternoon Activities - 5/11 - 5/15

Monday - Art/building - Create collage sculpture pieces (this project will be completed over two Monday afternoon sessions)

  • Cardboard - cereal/food boxes or thicker cardboard, or both

  • Scissors

  • Paint

  • Paint brushes

Tuesday - Science - Color Bubble Making

  • Jar

  • Dish soap

  • Food coloring

  • straw, or similar, like the body of a ball point pen

*This should be done one a towel or paper towels or in a baking sheet or similar. The bubbles overflow.

Wednesday -  Movement -  Dis-Dance Party!

  • No materials needed

Thursday - Free Painting 

  • Paint

  • Paint Brushes

  • Paper

Friday - Book Making/illustration/Writing

  • The book we have made prior weeks on Fridays -or- printer paper to start a new book

  • Markers/Crayons/Pens, etc.