This has been a great week, friends! You all handled the challenges we gave you marvelously. Take a bow! We have seen so much growth in the 3B class all year, and this may be even more true as we wrap up the schoolyear than at any other time. We are so impressed, 3B. We hope that you are all very proud of yourselves. You deserve to be!
To begin the week, we returned to practice shape recognition, something we have done much of this year, but was something we had not visited for a bit. Well, we would never know that it has been much time because of the way all of you recognized your shapes so well. You even spotted the multiple triangles and the rhombus and trapezoid. The next day we followed this activity by playing a clues game in which we gave you clues about shapes, and you had to figure out which shapes we were giving clues about. Once again, you get almost all of the shapes without seeing them. We even included a heart into the mix and many of you got that shape even though we had not been practicing it. Very nice detective work, 3B!
Another day we enjoyed a letter sound game in which we tried to figure out which item on the table began with a certain letter. As we navigated the sounds of such letters as G, S, T, M, P, you focused and put great effort into the game. It started off quite tricky, then, before long, you really developed an understanding for how the game worked and you began to match the shapes to the sounds to items faster and faster. This game was great fun for us to play with you.
Finally, we played Name Jumble, and all of you gave your confused teacher so many excellent strategies as to how to fix your name until it was spelled correctly. After many mixed up attempts of upside down, backwards, missing, extra, and out of order letters, you used your letter recognition and budding vocabularies to make sure that all of your names ended up just as they should have, which is to say: spelled correctly. Yay!
Thanks for a fun week and have a great weekend!
Afternoon Activities - 6/15 - 6/19
Monday - Finish Three Little Pigs Books -or- create an illustration based on your favorite book
The book we have made prior weeks on Fridays -or- printer paper to start a new book
Markers/Crayons/Pens, etc.
Marker/pen to begin text
Tuesday - Telescope Making
Paper Tube (or similar), or rolled piece of paper
Decorating Materials - markers, stickers, tape, etc.
Wednesday - Our Final Dance Party of the Year!
Dance, Dance, Dance!
Thursday - Free Art
Whatever art materials you’d like to use
Friday - Tea and Monster Truck Party and Hangout - Eating, Dancing, Art
Decorate remade cookies or cupcakes -or-
Make art projects showing our favorite part of the school year
Any medium the friends want to work in is perfect