Thank you Kian for sharing delicious snack with us!


This week we introduced the children to the classroom job chart.  Young children really enjoy helping and being in charge so this will be a great opportunity for them to feel the ownership over the classroom. Today, all together we defined each job and had some practice.

Having children participate in classroom jobs creates AMAZING learning experiences such as teaches them some life skills (being responsible), provides a sense of pride (I can do it!), and teaches beginning literacy skills as the children learn to “read” the chart and well as their friends’ names. In addition, this also teaches the children how to be patient, as each child will have a job every other week. There will be a lot of turn taking as well. The children seemed very excited about having jobs! Yay!


This week:


-       We continue working on creating our own books/stories. We also talk a lot about authors and illustrators.

-       Through games we learn to recognize friends’ names.

-       We play sticker game (enriches vocabulary and children love this game).

-       We act out songs/nursery rhymes.

-       3B children love to hear stories so we read lots of books!



-       Attendance- how many friends are at school today?

-       Clock puzzles

-       Geo shapes puzzles

-       Building with blocks/magnatiles

-       Counting pumpkins (Would you like to hear a fun counting Halloween song? Ask your child to sing, “Five little pumpkins song.”



-       Baked with Diane,

-       Cut a pumpkin (children’s idea),

-       Weather report job,

-       Building with blocks, magnatiles



-        The children used watercolor paint,

-       Participated in a drawing/collage prompt activity (two buttons glued as eyes to a piece of paper).



-       Gym

-       Apple picking trip

-       Walk to the pet store

Have a great weekend everyone!