Beside talking about feelings and creating books, this week we also introduced children to our attendance and job chart. Starting next week, the children will fully take the ownership over their classroom. The children will take turns and each child will have a job every other week. We have 4 job positions:
- weather reporter will inform us if it is sunny, rainy, snowy, cold, warm or windy outside.
- attendance taker will help us keep track of all the children in 3B class on any given day.
-time keeper will keep us stay on schedule and give us 5 minute warning before clean up time.
-pet and plant caretaker will feed our fish and water our plants,
Giving the children an opportunity to be responsible for their classroom will help them to take an ownership as well as grow in confidence in abilities to complete given tasks.
Just a quick reminder: The school will be closed on Monday, October 9, 2017 for Columbus Day.
Have a great weekend everyone!