Me, My Family and My Friends

Now 3B is all about Me, My Family and My Friends. As we are still providing multiple experiences for the children to develop, build, and maintain strong relationships (and will as long as needed), part of the identity project is also developing understanding of families.

A family theme provides the children with basic knowledge of how families work and how they are different. When children get the opportunity to participate in class discussions about families they gain knowledge on how unique each family is…

Who is in your family?


Valdi: “Daddy, Biani, Fiona, Mommy. That’s all my family.”

Kian what about your family?

Kian: “I have Mommy, Daddy, Elizabeth and me.”

Elizabeth: “What about me? My family has three people. Jake, Awry, Teaden, Kian, my Dad and my Mommy.” (forgive my spelling).

Zara: “I want to tell you now. I have Nanny (aunt), Zenabula (aunt- not sure about spelling), my Mommy, Daddy and brothers. I have two brothers Emil and Remy. I have a baby. I had it last year so I have a baby.”

Vivi: “James, Mommy, Daddy and Vivi. No more.”

Sam: “Mommy, Daddy and me.”

Vivi: “What about Louisa?”

Sam: “She is on the picture (point the door).

Vivi: “What about Louisa?”

Sam: “No, Mommy, Daddy and me.”

Vivi: “But you have a sister.”

Sam: “Yeah, I do.”

Luca: “Mommy, Daddy, Sienna and Luca. Oh, I have Katie my cousin.”

Vivi added: “Did you know that when I am big and I have a baby my Mommy and Daddy will be Nanna and Papa?”


We try to capture the essence of its importance and understanding. We hope that through meaningful interactions all together we will come up with some valuable information about our families.

3B saves our planet (all about recycling and reusing)/ blow painting

Special visitors (3A class)/Spanish/Voting

"What was your favorite part about Thanksgiving?- Elizabeth

Today during our morning meeting Elizabeth went around the circle to ask each friend about his/her Thanksgiving (it was her initive). She took the leadership and carefully listen to what each friend had to say.

Most of the answers included family members that children saw over the long weekend:

- "I had a nice Thanksgiving. I went to my Grandpa and Grandma and we played basketball."

- "I cooked eggs with my mom."

- "Playing with my favorite cousin."

- "Uncle Mike was silly and said I was a marshmallow."

All of the answers show how important these experiences were for the children. Also, this will lead us into more conversations about our families and the importance of it. Even after the morning meeting we could still hear the children sharing about the exciting time they all had. 

To be continued...

Big apologies as our camera run out of the battery in the beginning of the day. 

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!

Stone Soup/Self-portraits/ All about family

First, next and last? concept of sequencing

How many letters are in your name?

Not one but two very special visitors!!

Today was a very special day as we had two secret readers to come and share books with us. Nanna (Vivi’s grandma) read us a book about sharing. After the story we practiced some sharing skills as well as using our “please and thank you.”

The second special guest was Zara’s auntie. She read us two books. One was a book based on a nursery song and the second one was about being a good friend. Thank you for coming and please come back soon.

Adam and I would like to extend an invitation for coming and reading books with us!


This week we talked a lot about how to take care of our pets. Since we have Pinky and 5 fish to take care of, it is important that we take a proper care of these little creatures to keep them healthy, happy, and safe.

Caring for a small pet provides children with the opportunity to learn more about animals firsthand.  They can learn about caring for animals and the responsibility that goes with it. Furthermore, having a classroom pet provides a wonderful opportunity for learning about empathy, friendships, nature, science, and living things.

We can tell that everyone in our classroom is excited about having Pinky. We can alredy hear children having conversations about it when Pinky comes close to them. They are eager to pet him and take care of him i.e. some of the children wanted to share their lunches with Pinky. That is leading us to our first reserach which will focus on food that we can provide that is good for our bunny. 

We would like to wish everyone a safe and fun weekend.

Patterns/Cooking with Diane and soccer

Clay/New jobs

Weekly Recap

This week was full of new explorations and exciting celebrations. After our exciting Halloween parade the children were full of confidence and pride in their creations. We hope that everyone had a great time!

Later that week the children worked on a Thank You card for one of stores.


In addition, on Thursday we joined 3A class and we spent the morning with them. Collaboration with another classroom offers to the children new experiences as well as new social interactions. During that time, not only we see that children try new activities but more importantly we observe 3B students making new friends and developing new social skills.  


On Friday, we did our first science experiment. The children had an opportunity to observe a chemical reaction between vinegar and baking soda. During this experience carbon dioxide is released and see what happens…



3B has a new pet, PINKY (rabbit). The children are super excited and so are we. Having a pet in the classroom brings many learning opportunities such as taking a responsibility, empathy, caring, as well as teaches them how to interact with pets.  We look forward to many wonderful experiences with our furry friend.


Have a safe and fun weekend everyone!

"Thank you for giving us candies" - card form the 3B for the Boomerang Store!

Learning about sequence through acting out a book!

Happy Halloween everyone!

Our proud authors and illustrators! Thank you everyone!

Alka-Saltzer painting/ Halloween preparations

Subitizing (math activity)/ Costume painting/Cooking with Diane

Dear Parents,

I appologize but I left the memory card with all of the pictures at BMS today. Promise to update the blog tomorrow. Enjoy the short video of the math activity that Adam lead today. 

What is Subitizing?

The ability to subitize is an important part of developing a strong mathematical foundation.

There are two components of subitizing; conceptual and perceptual. Perceptual subitizing is the instant visual recognition of a pattern such as the dots on a card. Conceptual subitizing is recognizing smaller groups and adding them together, such as two dots plus two dots equals four dots. Today 3B focused on perceptual subitizing and they did AWESOME!

Prediction game (math game)/ Working on our costumes/Spanish class

Heavy or light?Halloween preparations in full swing!