
Name Child, Age

Name Child, Age

3-12 Months

At Buckle My Shoe Tribeca, our infant and toddler programs are designed to nurture the extremely competent learners we all begin as from birth.  We are born researchers and are innately curious about the world around us.  We work with warmth and care to establish a strong foundation for all future learning and success.

Name Children, 1 year old

Name Children, 1 year old

Name, Age

Name, Age

Infants and toddlers need a safe environment rich with opportunities for active exploration. As sensory-motor beings, exploring their world and developing motor skills, they require age-appropriate play structures, manipulatives, toys and sensory materials. Our infant program is designed to stimulate development. Our goal is to expose infants to frequent positive language interactions, fostering the development of receptive, and later expressive, language. 

Bowen De Loia-Richardson, 15 mo

Bowen De Loia-Richardson, 15 mo

Name, Age

Name, Age

Parent participation is a key component of our program. Our staff strives to establish a positive interactive and supportive relationship with parents. Daily updates for parents document each child’s eating, sleeping and diapering, along with a short synopsis of the day’s activities. 

Ella Johnson, 18 mo

Ella Johnson, 18 mo


Name Child, Age

Name Child, Age


As a toddler, your child will become more mobile and will develop into a unique individual through interaction with parents and family, with the BMS teachers, and with other children. The Toddler Program affords many opportunities for learning to share and cooperate in small groups. Children listen to stories, talk with adults and other children, and dramatize daily events with carefully selected play equipment. 

Name Child, 2 years old

Name Child, 2 years old

Many different teaching opportunities are used to promote toddlers’ exploration, expression and movement, and to create an environment in which learning and friendships can thrive. Physical activities help to develop gross motor skills. Trips to the neighborhood park provide hands-on experiences with nature. 

Name, Age

Name, Age

Creative play with a wide variety of toys builds problem-solving abilities and fine motor skills, and encourages sharing and self-control. Making and experiencing art and music expands the children’s knowledge and appreciation, and gives them a sense of creative accomplishment. 

Name, Age

Name, Age


Name Child, Age

Name Child, Age


Our Pre-Kindergarten Program integrates developmentally appropriate education, utilizing the tenets of Jean Piaget, the Bank Street philosophy of teaching and the Reggio Emilia approach to early childhood education. 

Active parental and community involvement, reflective documentation of learning experiences, respect for children's process, and recognition of the power of play are essential components. These elements support and develop an "emergent curriculum," guided by the children's evolving interests, growth and related accomplishments.

Names, Ages

Names, Ages

We strive to help our children develop social skills, cooperation, and an increased awareness of self as part of a community. Our goal is that upon graduation from Buckle My Shoe, our students are prepared socially, emotionally and academically for the new challenges of Kindergarten.

Names, Ages

Names, Ages

The pursuit of truth and beauty is a sphere of activity in which we are permitted to remain children all our lives.
— Albert Einstein

