Welcome our new and existing families. J.J and I are so excited to start this new journey with all of you. This was comparatively a very short week and did not have time to do much but from next week we will be more in routine and be more active.

Looking forward- Our curriculum for this semester is going to focus more on Family. I already have an activity planned for each one of you when you'll come for our first curriculum meet which is on January 18th.

Una is so thrilled to welcome all her new friends. One of her friend Annabelle already started and she seems to be doing pretty well. We will be welcoming more friends and looking forward to spending quality time with them.

Please ensure you all are following our Instagram page. The username is - bmsinfanta

If you all have any questions, please feel free to email me and I will be more than happy to help.

Have a splendid weekend.

Thank you,

Janvi Doshi.