Hello Families,
This week we did something different and exciting. Our class parents had planned "Holi" (Festival of Colors which is celebrated in India). We collaborated with the infant-b classroom for this. It was beautiful to see how all our friends were so patient at first while we put color on each other and later they started exploring the colors themselves. All our friends enjoyed it. No one cried or showed any signs of discomfort.We missed you Cleo. We played with three different colors- Pink, Yellow, and Green. To our surprise, some of the colors had an odor too. The pink one smelt like rose and the green color smelt like henna. (All the colors were organic). A big thank you to our class parents for organizing this event. Great way to expose our friends to different cultures and festivals from around the world. Thank you, Shaun, for bringing in the colors.
On Monday, we went for a walk to the park. We are taking advantage of the good weather and going out as much as possible. We also explored shaving cream, glue, finger paint with a ball. Una and Teagan seemed to have enjoyed it. The reason we added glue was because it is a different texture compared to shaving cream so we wanted to see how our friends would react to it. They reacted very well. They liked it. Once we were done with the activity, we took a drawing paper and dabbed it in the shaving cream that had the spikey effect. That effect looks really good on the paper once dry.
On Tuesday, we explored oil, watercolor on a canvas. They did not seem too much into it maybe because of the cling wrap on it. We did not directly want to expose them to oil as it was their first time exploring. But next time we will try an activity without cling wrap and see if that excites them.
On Wednesday, we again went to the park with our infant-b friends. They always enjoy their ride there and back. They are extremely patient while they are in the strollers and love seeing around.
We try and go to the gym with the infant-b class so that our friends can get familiar with each other and is a great way to get social. Infant-B friends are so careful of our little friends and they watch over them and sometimes play the gentle touch game too.
All of our friends are really social and they love a big crowd. At first, we thought they would not like being around too many people but it is just the opposite.
Parent-teacher conferences are soon approaching. Please sign up for the time that suits you.
The sign-up sheet for parent-teacher conferences is on google drive. The link is- https://drive.google.com/open?id=17j47jePVHTqI3CzXVuZls8erjvT9Z52g
Please note- The conferences last for approximately 15 minutes and students are not allowed for the conferences. Also, the school is just open for conferences that day.
March 6th- Picture Day.
And lastly, our school is closed tomorrow for professional development.
Have a wonderful weekend. See you all on Monday. :)