Hello Families,
This week was an eventful week. We had something planned for each day. It started off with Music Monday where we sang our usual songs during morning meeting and then both the educators decided to sing a nursery rhyme from their home language. So one of them sang itsy bitsy spider and a fish rhyme in Hindi, whereas J.J sang a Turkish rhyme to all the friends. Our friends enjoyed it as it involved using musical instruments. And they love those anyway.
We painted pots for the event that we were going to have to today. Our friends were so patient and accommodative while we were painting.
On Tuesday, it was Tasty Tuesday. We made apple sauce with our friends. Thank you to all the parents who brought in boiled apples for us. While we made the apple sauce our friends observed each and everything we did and waited for their turn. We not only tasted the apple sauce but even touched the boiled apples that came from home.
Our pot painting continued as some of our friends were not present on Monday and some were asleep.
On Wednesday, it was work together, build together, learn together. Our friends created a beautiful piece of art for our room. We made our own set of loose parts including cut mirror boards, pom poms, and paper. We stuck all this with glue. It came out so well. Our friends are strengthening their gross motor and fine motor skills every day. We are so proud of them!
Our friends are not only working on their motor skills but are also doing very well with associations, words and their physical development. Every day we have a new thing happening in our room. Either someone is saying a new word or someone is rolling over or walking.
We have been spending quite some time with the infant-b group in the gym or in their room.
On Thursday, it was Artsy Thursday and our friends painted hearts with finger paint. Some sat on it, some dabbed on it, some used their fingers and some used their whole hand. We love the way our friends use different parts of their body to paint. This is the best part of the Reggio Emilia philosophy where there are no preset rules and it is completely child oriented.
On Friday, we had our special person day. It went well. Thank you to all our families who brought a special person. It was so much fun to plant the seeds and looking forward to the plants growing. Beautiful day. Thank you for bringing food for our class.
For the upcoming events, please check the email sent out by Shaun yesterday.
Thank you and have a wonderful weekend.