Hand- Eye Coordination/ Fine-Motor Skills

We stared the week off by getting messy! The Infant students were fascinated to feel the paint in their hands and admired their reflection in the mirror. While using the paint babies and toddlers develop hand to eye coordination and use their fine motor skills.

Fine Motor Development

The sensory nature of play dough allows babies and toddlers to be naturally curious and explore the world around them using their senses. It is also beneficial for fine motor development and strengthening little fingers, hands and wrists. The children gently squeezed the texture of the play dough with their hands and enjoyed the soft feeling.

Sense of Self/ Attention Spam

Sebastian was very focused admiring and kissing his reflection in the mirror. Mirrors are a great way to help babies to explore. Eventually, they will learn that they are seeing their own face and start to recognize their reflection.

Science and Discovery

Giving children the opportunity to explore light is a brilliant way of supporting critical thinking skills and curiosity. The Infant friends were very intrigued and excited to touch the shining light. This was an amazing new experience for them.

Enjoy your weekend!