Group Activity

Group activities allow young children to develop social skills at their own pace, building up their emotional confidence,encouraging physical activity. These activities also support children's imagination and creativity.

Group activities allow young children to develop social skills at their own pace, building up their emotional confidence,encouraging physical activity. These activities also support children's imagination and creativity.


It was great seeing each child’s reaction to their first classroom pet. Anthony’s first reaction was to yell with excitement and smile. He frequently pulled himself up by the shelf to look at the fishes and each time he had the same reaction. Juliette looked confused at first. Then, after observing the fishes and touching the tank she turned around to her teacher and lit up with a smile. When the teacher asked her “what does the fishy do Juliette?” She began to move her lips. Sebastian also looked confused at first he frequently used his pointer finger to follow the fishes. He then showed interest by following the fishes every move.


This week in Spanish we began talking about spring. The Spanish teacher sang songs about butterflies and bunnies. The children were very focused. Some were imitating the hand gestures of the teacher and some friends began moving their bodies up and down.
