Morning Meeting

One of our favorite songs to sing is “One Little Finger”. It was great seeing Sebastian participate.

Since we began our numbers last week, this week we did a number counting song called “How many fingers?” We counted our fingers and toes. Thank you Anthony for helping me count.

Interesting Fact

3 benefits of music on early math development

1) Spatial awareness: Children who participate in music classes show stronger spatial temporal reasoning skills than those without music instruction.

2)  Young children learn to count by rote —a memorizing process using routine and repetition. Learning to count by rote helps children develop foundational skills for math, including number vocabulary, memory, patterning, and sequence. Through music and movement activities, children encounter many opportunities to practice counting in a fun, engaging way. In an early childhood education classroom, musical learning examples include counting to three and jumping up during a circle dance or reciting the numbers as children receive (or put away) instruments, or tapping on a drum the beats.

3)Pattern recognition: The beats, rhythms, and melodies of music lead children to experience patterns through movement, listening, and playing instruments. Listening to music and then matching the steady beat through clapping or instrument play helps children recognize and translate a simple pattern.

Buenos Dias Ninas/Ninos

This week during our morning meeting we sang our good morning song in Spanish. Exposing children to different languages has many benefits. Children who are exposed to more than one language are more often able to learn faster, improve problem solving skills and creativity, as well as make a connection with different cultures.

 Special Moment

This week in our morning meeting Henry helped Anthony sing “Five Little Ducks.” Thank You Henry you did a amazing job!

Anthony showed off his fine motor skills by picking up his heavy toy.

Sign Language

Our new sign words are….FAMILY, MOM, DAD, BROTHER, SISTER

Interesting Fact

Baby signing experts believe that frustration and tantrums can be avoided by closing the gap between desire to communicate and the ability to do so.

Special Story and Songs


Thank you for sharing these incredible videos with us. We are proud to see our little ones accomplish their milestones. They are becoming so independent! Please continue sharing videos and photographs with us as this a wonderful way to stay connected.


Sebastian is showing us how to be kind and is giving a kiss to the baby. It’s so great seeing young children learn how to be kind and loving at a early age.


MONDAY Color Hunt (WHITE) & Color Song

TUESDAY Spring Sensory Bottle & Watercolor paint

Wednesday Painting with our bodies & “Wheels on the Bus”

Paint Recipe

  1. Gather your materials: Food coloring, 1 large bowl, small bowls/cups/containers, 1 cup warm water, 1 cup flour

  2. Mix the flour and water together. Be sure to use warm water, as it will mix together more easily.

  3. Separate the mixture into containers

  4. Add food coloring to each container.

  5. Mix and let your baby get creative!

Thursday Yoga and Drawing with crayons while listening to classical music. The link for the music will be up on our google classroom.

Friday Dance Party and making guacamole


Here are a few songs and read-aloud links to keep busy this weekend:


Read aloud

Morning meetings videos

Now you can watch our morning meeting from our drive! Don’t miss out :) Morning Meeting Videos