Our focus for Literacy Week has been books and cooking. On Monday, we read If You Give a Mouse a Brownie, and then we made brownies. On Tuesday, we read If You Give a Moose a Muffin, and we made muffins. On Wednesday, we read Nanette's Baguette and we ate some warm baguettes from Arcade Bakery. We also had Arun's older sisters come in as guest readers! We also brainstormed about our favorite book characters which we dressed up as on Friday. 

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In 2A, we have been most excited about the fact that Daddies have been coming in to read with us! Every morning, we run into the room asking the question, "Whose Daddy is coming today!?" We are definitely excited about our Mommy readers, too! We are also working on voting for our favorite story from all of the new choices we've read including some classics, like Where the Wild Things Are.                   


2's & 3's West Village

The 2's and 3's class are celebrating Literacy Week at Buckle My Shoe by embracing children's book authors we love, Dr. Seuss, Eric Carle, Sandra Boynton, and Eric Litwin. We've had mommies, daddies, and grandparents come in to read us their favorite stories from these beloved authors. We've also enjoyed special snacks, sensory and art activities based on themes from stories like The Cat in the Hat, The Tiny Seed, and The Very Hungry Caterpillar. On Wednesday, we visited the book fair to pick up even more good reads. This week has helped the children build a stronger connection for literature and a love for books!            



Classroom 2B had a "Mystery reader," come in during our snack time. The children didn't know who would be reading that day, so it was a great surprise when they saw their loved one walk into the classroom. The mystery reader hid behind a long pink cloak and walked in the room with the teacher. When it was time, the cloak was lifted, revealing the mystery reader of the day. 

Classroom 2B also has a great interested in letters, which ties perfectly into our week of celebrating literacy in our school. We outlined letters with buttons of different textures and sizes. Each letter of the alphabet is now hanging inside our classroom. 




3AB's been page turning and learning about Dr. Suess's rhymes and other special chimes. Music books, in our reading nooks, have helped us go round the world of Seuss and silly sounds. It's much better knowing sounds of letters, and rhyming has helped us work together! We welcomed Spring, it's a funny thing, the weather is cold, Jaelah told, "Winter's not listening." 

Books we read: The Lorax, Happy Birthday to You, One fish two fish red fish blue fish, The Curious Garden, Frog on the log, The giving tree , Selected Poem "Backward bill" from Shel Silverstein's A light in the Attic. 


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Infant A celebrated literacy week by having a parent of each infant come in each day to read a story. On Friday they had a grand celebration of a BIG pajama day where they all dressed up in their PJ's and came to school. 


For literacy week, the infant-B students celebrated by inviting their mommies and daddies to come in and read their child’s favorite books to the class.

The parents read beautiful books- “We’re going on a Lion Hunt”, “Good Night Zoo”, “ Baby’s First 1,2,3”, “Slippery Fish” and more.

On the last day of literacy week, the infant-B students had a tea party! The infant/toddlers dressed as their favorite storybook characters and enjoyed a delicious snack with their friends and family.


























Great learning happens when we are personally invested in a subject - our names can help create this investment.  As part of literacy week we have created an opportunity to look at the meaningful letters in our names!  Each child's name has be hung around the classroom with a small picture of his or her face next to his or her name.  We hope to help everyone can gain some awareness of the shapes each name is made of and to build some curiosity about the letters they see all around them!  










1A loved literacy week! We worked on letter recognition, incorporated stories into our dramatic play, and told stories through music! For our tea party we had a special guest violinist who accompanied us with music as we read “Music Is…”. We then had lemonade and some of our favorite snacks from "Pete the Cat and His 4 Groovy Buttons" such as blueberries and strawberries! It was such a lovely day!!