This week the infant-b students explored cloud dough!
Since the students really enjoy making and exploring play dough, we thought it would be a great idea to introduce a different type of sensory dough. The exciting mixture of flour and oil was placed in the center of the classroom floor. The students Immediately recognized the familiar sensory bin and began racing over with anticipation.
Discovering the white cloud dough, the children grasped the medium in their hands, instinctively squeezing the silky smooth material in between their fingers. Observing the children, we noticed their eyes fixated on their hands. The students watched their hands, as they slowly loosened their tight grip, watching as the sand-like consistency crumbed apart.
The children smiled and laughed and repeatedly grasped the lumps of dough and squeezed- thrilled with the texture and perhaps the effect they had on the dough.
Walking Feet!
Sara is now using the waker to travel around her classroom. She is also taking three independent step all by herself. Bravo, Sara!
A Walk to the Park!
Exploring Chunky Paint!
The students really enjoyed exploring powder paint last week, so this week we added water- creating a chunky textured paint.
The students immediately noticed there was something different about the paint, slowly lifting their paint brushes in the air and squeezing the bristles with their hands. Some friends even began pulling the squeezing the chunky paint bits off the bristles, using their index and thumb.
After investigating the chunky paint, the students began sweeping their paint brush across their brown canvas papers.
Thank you, infant-b families.
Have a great weekend!