This week we discussed the word imagination. The children dedicated time to drawing what their imagination looks like. They are looking forward to sharing their creations with you. Here are their thoughts:
“When you think something in your head.” Angelo
“When you run in the park and play tag. My imagination helps me tell jokes.” Aayush
“Imagination is like when you draw something you like.” Josie
“Sometimes I have silly things in my head. It’s like if you want to male up your own super hero.” Kian
“It’s when you imagine something and it ends up in a shadow. When you wake up, and turn on the lights it’s not there anymore.” Milo
“Imagination is like what you want to happen and you make it happen and it comes true. It’s like when you are in the kitchen and pretend to be a police officer.” Graydon
“I pretend to be a police Officer, I imagine I have a walkie talkie.” William
“When you think of something and you know what you want to be.” Elizabeth
“You would say something and you really want to do it.” Hyebeen
“It’s like a shadow in your room, but it’s just your imagination.” Sam
“Something that you remember from a long time ago.” Rex
Shared Snacks with Sunhee and Hyebeen.
This week we enjoyed a lovely shared snack with the letters CH. Hyebeen and Sunhee brought a creative snack. The snack looked like a Chicken and some of the ingredients used to make the snacks also started with ch. The children not only loved the presentation of the snack, but they were also intrigued in the book of Extraordinary animals that Sunhee read to the class.
Shh! We Have a Plan!
On Friday we enjoyed a trip to the Tribeca Family Theater and watched a play, based on the book “SHH! We have a plan.” The children really enjoyed the play and can’t wait to share all about it.