Pre-K Families
We are so sad to be saying good-bye to this amazing school year. Despite the feelings of sadness we are so happy to have spent this past school year with a group of kind, creative, and communicative lifelong learners (parents and caregivers included). The passionate personalities within our community made this year incredible!
We will be in touch via email and we will see some of you in the neighborhood soon.
We love and cherish the children in Pre-K and the amazing experiences from this school year!
May you all remember our Ghostbusters, princess, zombie, mummy, pilot crew of explorers and all the time we spent together.
As the Pre-K kids put it, we are so "happy-sad emotions" and we wish you all the best of luck in the future! Hope to see you again soon! xoxo
Syd & Annabel
Check out some photos from the week mixed with some oldies but goodies.
We will miss these fun kiddos!
Check out the google drive for all the photos from the year.
Here is a link to the delicious granola bars we made today.